Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Sweet Moments

It's times like this that I want to remember forever.  M played a very cute game of hide-and-seek with T last night.  He helped her count, hid in very easy places for her, and pretended not to be able to find her right away even when she hid in the exact same spot every time.  Each round ended with them both bursting out laughing and running into each other's arms.  Then after the game, he snuggled up with her on the couch and read her Christmas stories. 
  Eventually each of the older girls snuggled in to listen as he continued to read.

Sometimes they can be so sweet.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Snow and Santa

We got our first real snow of the winter yesterday.  By "real" I mean it stuck and stayed more than a few hours.  The kids had a great time playing in it even if it was only a couple of inches. 

And, surprisingly, we only had a few tears getting everyone into their snow clothes.  T had the most trouble and I thought for a while that she wasn't going to go out at all.  But after watching her older brother and sisters having such a good time she decided that she could put up with her snow pants being a little uncomfortable.

We also saw Santa this week and T was very brave.  She climbed right up into his lap with no tears this year.  So sweet!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

St. Lucy's Day

St. Lucy's Crown to celebrate St. Lucy's Day yesterday


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Felted sweater tote bag

I have a bunch of all wool sweaters that are no longer suitable for wearing like this one.
A while back I had used part of this sweater to make a hat and mittens for myself.  Hence the clipped out parts.
Now I decided that it was time to use up the rest of the sweater.  This is what I made:

And the inside:

 I was thinking I would use it to carry around my current knitting project.  But J might have other ideas.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Yarn Along

I'm joining Ginny for the first time in her Yarn Along.  I'm currently knitting yet another hat.  It must be the sudden cold weather here. And the quick projects satisfy my need for instant gratification.  A nice break from the looong project I've been working on for the girls that definitely won't be ready to show until well after Christmas.  On my night stand with the knitting are the other "yarns."  The Trumpet of the Swan is a read-aloud for the kids.  The Wives of Henry the VIII is a book that I borrowed from my sister-in-law months and months ago.  It's not exactly light reading so it's slow going.  But it is fascinating!  Antonia Fraser really makes these women come alive for me.  Highly recommended!