Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Summer is here!

Today we went to our pool for the first time this year. I was planning on continuing to homeschool throughout the summer. But I have really been feeling that the kids (and I) need a break. We need some time to just laze around. Go to the pool, read easy books, watch some movies, visit grandparents, just be bored! So today I called off school for the summer and we grabbed the towels and some snacks and headed off to the pool. We had the place to ourselves for the first hour. Then we were joined by a couple of other families...enough kids for a good game of Marco Polo. There were only a few of mishaps: T floated off into the deep end and had to be rescued by the lifeguard (she was wearing a life vest so she was safe, just scared), J got in over her head and got tired and had to be rescued by the lifeguard (again, more scared than anything else), and a minor potty incident with C (I will spare you the details...but it involved a shower and a complete wardrobe change while we were there!) Yes, it was a relaxing day at the pool, kid style.

Happy Summer!

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