Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Monday, September 6, 2010

Birthday Bread

I've been making all of our bread at home for a while now. Okay, so I mostly use the bread machine. But it's still better than store-bought sandwich loaves. It's good bread. The kids like it. The main problem is that I can only make one loaf at a time. And with the kids getting bigger, they are eating more. It's gotten to the point that I practically have to run the bread machine twice a day to keep up with demand. So I've been trying to figure out how to work in baking bread in the oven into my routine. I figure that in the oven I could do several loaves at once.
To help me figure out how to do that, I recently bought this book, Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day, with some of my birthday money. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) It is amazing. The idea is that you mix up a huge batch of dough, keep it in your fridge, and then you can just pull off what you need each day and bake it up. I have now made several loaves of the basic boule recipe and the kids eat it so fast I haven't been able to get a decent photo of it. All I can show you is the book and our bread plate with a few crumbs. It is so good.

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