Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Saturday, November 13, 2010


For Martinmas, or the feast day of St. Martin of Tours, I made St. Martin's Croissants, a Polish tradition.  While I don't have any Polish ancestry that I know of, Ray is half Polish.  That means that my kids are 1/4 Polish.  So that is as good a reason as any to adopt a Polish tradition for our household.  Especially when it involves making and eating sugared croissants!  I couldn't get a decent picture of them, though.  In real life they were all sparkly from the coarse sugar coating.  And mmmm, yummy!
While we were enjoying the croissants and hot apple cider, M re-told the story of how St. Martin gave a beggar half his cloak so he wouldn't freeze. Next year, if I get my act together, I think it would be nice to have the kids collect some coats to give to charity on this day.

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