Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Monday, June 13, 2011

Homeschooling and other things

Last week was all about finishing up our homeschool year.  I had my county review on Friday so I spent the week getting the kids' portfolios ready and making sure I had all my ducks in a row.  The last two years I only had to do a phone interview for my end-of-year review so I was a little extra nervous this time.  I needn't have been.  The reviewer was very easy going and said everything looked great.  Yay!  Now we can "officially" move into our summer schedule of light school work in the morning and playtime and pool time in the afternoon. 

On Saturday I went to the IHM Homeschool Conference in DC.  It was a nice day out for me without the kids.  I really didn't need to go.  I know what we are planning on doing for school in the Fall.  I've already purchased most of our books.  I guess I've been doing this long enough now that I feel like I know what works for our family.  And not quite so long that I feel burnt out and need to make changes.  So we are in a pretty good spot right now.  Although there is that slight worry in the back of my mind that everything is going to change in a couple of months with the arrival of the new baby.  But we just wont dwell on that now.

In other news... we checked on the nest by the front door today after several days of leaving it be and we found this:
I think there are three little baby birds there, but the kids are convinced that one didn't make it.  It's hard to be sure.  We will keep checking on them and hopefully will be able to tell for certain soon.  It's amazing to think that just a few days ago they were curled up in those tiny blue eggs!

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