Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Summer plans derailed

I had it all planned out how we would spend our summer.  We were going to keep forging ahead with the school work in the mornings and spend the afternoons relaxing at the pool.  We would all have a quiet time after the pool and then the kids could play while I got dinner ready.  I didn't sign them up for any classes or camps this year, knowing that I would be too big and uncomfortable to bother with any of that.  It was supposed to be a nice relaxing summer while we waited for Baby to arrive.

Unfortunately I didn't count on one thing.  Morning sickness.  Again.  It's back now in the third trimester.  It's not quite the same as it was in the beginning.  But it's almost as debilitating.  I'm so tired and feel so sick almost every morning (and many afternoons) that we haven't been getting the kids' school work done.  The few times I've tried to take them to the pool it wore me out so much that I spent the rest of the day bed-ridden unable to do anything.  Dinners have been sub-standard.  Ray has had to help out a lot more than he normally already does.  The kids have been handling it pretty well.  They haven't been sorry to see our morning lessons not happen.  They have been very good for weeks about entertaining themselves while I lay on the couch or in bed.   But lately I can tell that it is wearing on them.  There have been more arguments, more cries of boredom, and just more attitude than usual.  They are suffering from to much free-time.

Even though I was determined to not sign them up for anything this summer.  Last week I caved and signed up J and C for Vacation Bible School.  They are there every morning this week and I can already tell that things are running a little more smoothly at home again.  (I wanted M to sign up, too, but he absolutely refused.  J and C are having such a good time that M is now really regretting staying home.)  It has been hard getting them up and ready and out the door by 8:00.  But I'm realizing that some structure and some out-of-the-house activities are necessary for their mental health...and mine as well.  Lesson learned!  I'm just going to have to figure out a way to push though this last month of pregnancy even with the fatigue and morning sickness.  And I definitely need to remember this lesson during those first few months with a newborn.  Yes, we will take some time at home where we won't try to do much of anything other than adjust to life with a baby again.  But, I will make sure I don't neglect the older kids' needs.  If I need to call on friends to come pick them up and take them out, so be it.

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