Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Monday, September 14, 2009

New step

The CCD year started tonight for us. J has been looking forward to this day for two years, ever since M went to his first class. The day she gets to go off to "school." She was up early and dressed before I had even rolled out of bed. She was out on the swings in the backyard before breakfast, no doubt daydreaming of all the exciting and wonderful things that would happen in her CCD class.

I really think my kids like being homeschooled. They tell me they do and I'm inclined to believe them. But there is something sort of mysterious and alluring about real school. I think maybe they have watched one too many Magic School Bus episodes.... So it turns out that CCD isn't quite like real school. After all, it's one hour a week and it's at night. And there definitely isn't a daily field trip on a magic bus. But she came home all smiles anyway.

And M enjoyed his class. And I got to spend a little extra time with just C and T. I think this is a good thing.

Next up for this space: Pictures. Soon I will figure out how to add some. Soon.

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