Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Sunday, September 13, 2009

And now my story's begun

Alright, I'm starting. No time like the present, even if the present is way past my bedtime.

Why start a blog? My husband laughed at me when I said I was thinking about starting a blog. Good naturedly, but still, he was definitely laughing at me. I know I don't have a lot of spare time. I can't even keep the laundry done or the house clean or the garden weeded or the toys picked up. I know there are tons of things that I want to do but there aren't enough hours in the day. No matter that I have a dozen or more different projects that are at varying stages of incompleteness. That's okay. I don't claim to be SuperMom. But I do have a lot of ideas about things I want to do with my kids in our homeschool, projects I want to work on, crafts I want to make, and trips I want to take. A blog is the perfect way to keep a record of all that we are doing and at the same time share what I'm doing with those who care to know. And maybe even be a bit of a motivation to actually follow through on some of those ideas. Can't very well have a blog if we never do anything interesting to blog about.

So, this blog is for my family and my friends in case they are curious as to what we've been up to. And for anyone who by chance stumbles upon my little corner of cyberspace and thinks they might want to stay and get to know me. But mainly this blog is for me...to have a record of my life with my kids now when they are young and to encourage me to do all those things I have been wanting to do with them. It's the story of my life and I'm going to try to make it a good one.

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