Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Friday, May 6, 2011

Feeling human again

I have been away from this space for some months now.  I was taking a short "early pregnancy break."  I kept thinking that I would post again when I wasn't feeling so tired and so sick and just so overwhelmed.  I really thought it would happen before now.  But, man!  This pregnancy is kicking my butt!  I don't know if it's because I'm officially "advanced maternal age" now.  Or if it's just because every pregnancy is different.  Or something else.  Whatever it is, my all-day sickness lasted months longer than with any of the others.  It's finally letting up and I'm starting to feel human again now that I'm six months along.  Just in time for the uncomfortable third trimester in the summer!  :)  But I'm trying to focus on the positive and the good news is that I am feeling better and I do have some energy now.  I was hoping to have spent the second trimester knitting up a bunch of really cute baby things.  Since that didn't happen, I'm trying to choose just a few of the most important items to focus on for the last three months.  While M was at a friend's house, the girls and I went to the yarn store and I stocked up on enough yarn for my three top priority projects: a baby blanket, a baby sweater, and some booties.  That probably doesn't seem like a lot, but for a slow knitter like me, it's probably more than I can handle.  If I don't finish before the baby comes... well, then I'll have plenty to work on while I'm up nights rocking the baby.

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