Every moment is crammed with infinite riches which are given us according to the extent of our faith and love.
- Fr. Jean-Pierre de Caussade (1675- 1751)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Yarn Along

Yarn Along with Ginny @ small things

I'm still working on the Baby Surprise Jacket and I think it's coming along pretty well.  I am worried that I've made some fatal error somewhere along the way and I won't discover it until I'm trying to fold up the finished product.  But for now I'm taking Elizabeth's Zimmermann's words to heart:  "Knit, and keep calm."

I'm also trying to finish up a little summer top for J that has been kind of a thorn in my side.  The very first garment that I ever knitted was this exact pattern for T a couple of years ago.  When I started it, I promised all the girls that I would make them one.  Big mistake!  The pattern is not that interesting and I've gotten so bored with it.  The first one wasn't too bad...it was very small and fairly quick.  C's took a lot longer and J's is taking forever!  Not because it's so hard or even that big.  It's mainly that I am so tired of working on it that I rarely do.  If I don't finish up soon, though, J will be too big for it and C will have two.  So, I've promised myself to work on this little summer top every day until it's finished.

I'm reading The Little White Horse by Elizabeth Goudge as a read-aloud to the kids.  Sometime last year I saw a preview for a movie that is supposed to be based on this book.  I thought the kids would want to see it and I wanted them to read the book first.  J received it for Christmas, but the print is a little small and it's just a bit above her reading level.  She wasn't interested.  M could probably read it to himself easily.  He still likes to listen to me read, though.  We are only a few chapters in and already I have to stop myself from reading ahead on my own.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a beautiful color blue and congratulations on your newest blessing.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  3. The yarn looks wonderful! I saw the picture and melted... yummy!

  4. My daughter loves stories about horses -- thanks for the great recommendation!

    Knit, and keep calm. Such wise words. :)

    Blessings, ~Lisa

  5. You could always add a lace stitch or rows of knit-purl patterning to liven up the knitting. I find that I knit much faster if I can set a goal -- when I finish this repeat, or end this color or whatever.

    The BSJ yarn is very pretty ... what is it?

  6. Thanks, ladies!

    The BSJ yarn is Paton's Classic Wool in Kimono, purchased at Jo-Anns. The other is Lion Brand's Cotton-Ease.
